Thursday, May 03, 2007
There is no Gonzalesgate. The last time I checked, that whiney, lying POS was still the chief law-enforcement official in the United States.
You know, I’ve been in a pretty good mood lately. The arrival of fresh wizard rock and some good times to look forward to this summer have put a spring in my step. But that doesn’t take away the fact that this country continues its spiral down the shithole. Just thought I add that warm fuzzy.
And one other thing: When is that scheming ratfuck Karl Rove going down? The guy is literally laughing in our faces. I don’t usually play the Founding Fathers card, but what do you suppose those chaps would have thought about a slimy little fuck like Rove running the White House? Ditto that on Cheney.
Okay, have a good one.