
Sunday, October 08, 2006

Are these Miserable Fucks out of the Woods Again? 

In my cynical judgment, Foleygate appears to be drying up. Amazingly (and I ask you to frame this in the Clinton-era Republican mode of moral outrage and personal accountability) it looks like Hastert is gonna make it out of this pedophilia scandal (!) alive and pretty much intact to continue his management of the cesspool of graft and depravity that is the Rethuglican-run House.* Boner and the other scumsucking liars are squeaking through as well.

But others would have us believe that this sucker still has legs. We’ll see what the week brings.

And what about Condi’s impeachable lies?!! Is that into the ether already?

I really think I’m going to blow a vessel if it is.

* I know, I know, the elections are coming in just a few weeks, and the mighty Democrats, led by the fearless Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, are going to recapture the House – and maybe the Senate – and vigorously investigate and prosecute BushCo. Yesirie.

Hey, I spent a few minutes catching up on my Fried Wire. You should too.
