
Saturday, April 15, 2006

The Party of Fear and Hate 

When will these horrid freaks be shamed back to whatever putrid swamp they crawled from?
This summer we are going to see the old, tired, "values" issues dragged out once more. The Republican leadership in Congress will continue to turn a blind eye to the real crises facing the nation--energy prices, health care, thousands still homeless from Katrina and a region still in shambles, a president who shows no respect for the rule of law--and will trot out more pointless, divisive, and hateful legislation to "energize their base." Terry Schiavo redux.

The Republicans don't have much choice. They can't credibly run on national security. They can't run on ethics. They can't run on accomplishments (would you bring up Medicare prescription drug reform?). The fear that they counted on to bring voters out in the last election has faded as America slowly wakes up to the fact that they were duped in the Iraq debacle. Republicans have to count on the fact that voter turn-out will be low and that the most extreme of their constituency--their base--will keep them in the majority.
Could you hate these people any more?

That this party of fear, hate, criminality, and massive incompetence has enjoyed a six-year (and counting) reign of unchecked power is beyond belief. What a failure we are. What a colossal embarrassment of history.

America = the most idiotic civilization ever.
