
Wednesday, January 11, 2006


Today’s Buzzflash headline says it all. The Dems are getting rolled again. The lying, racist, fascist little twerp is as good as confirmed to the highest court of the land.

The past means nothing. It’s fucking Groundhog Day

Incredibly, BushCo enjoys an endless reservoir of trust among the Dems and the media bobbleheads. Every morning memories are erased and the slate is wiped clean. There is nothing that this administration can do (e.g., lie the country into war, criminally mismanage the war, drop the ball on Katrina, etc., etc.) to diminish this trust, or ignite the so-called opposition party into action. The criminal thug president's nominee to the Supreme Court-— a documented liar, misogynist, racist, and advocate for an imperial presidency — is treated to sham confirmation hearings in the Senate, followed by certain appointment to the bench.

True politics are extinct in America. They have been replaced by the pretension of a two-party system.

And forget about a popular awakening. Material abundance trumps the revolution.

We're in desperate need of a hero.
