Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Frightened, cowering, hand-wringing, vacillating, election-losing, pathetic wussies.
And sorry to break ranks with some of you guys, but I place Clinton and Obama squarely in the ineffectual wussie camp. Soaring rhetoric means nothing when your voting record is pure Rethug Lite, and when you patently refuse to stand up to BushCo in any meaningful way.
Apart from a few momentary and fleeting impersonations of vertebrates, the Dems continue to quiver in post-9/11 paralysis, terrified of reprisal from Dick Cheney’s flag-wrapped minions.
I understand that politics is the art of compromise, but when the political “center” moves about four miles to the right and the Dems allow themselves to be dragged along, that is unacceptable to me.
Reid, Kerry, Clinton, Obama, and, yes, even Dean are doing a cosmically shitty job at presenting a clear alternative to the Worst President Ever. How in the fuck does someone with even a molecule of political acumen fail in that task?
FDR, Truman, and Kennedy are rolling in their graves.
The current crop of Dems need to tell the truth and let the chips fall where they may, but they are on the leashes of their political consultants, who preach the gospel of suicidal ambiguity and risk-aversion.