Saturday, December 10, 2005
Once in a while I find myself absorbed in the odd, hilarious, and often revelatory world of the Eschaton commentosphere. And with surprising frequency, some commenter posts something that slams home the fucking hypocrisy and injustice of the BushCo epoch. Here’s one:
Can you imagine Dwight Eisenhower's, or FDR's, or JFK's dalliances being noddingly kept off of not only CNN's front desk, but also the Director of the FBI's top priority list?Just think about the sad truth of that.
Jeez, they not only scooped up young Ms. Lewinsky off of the street, but questioned her like the goddamned Republic depended on her weeping answer.
What If It Was Clinton?
See related: IOKYAR (It's Okay if You're a Republican)