Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Fitzaclaus is Coming to Town
While we wait to open our Fitzmas presents, let’s review some of the gut-bustingly hilarious attempts by the Rethugs to minimize the coming explosion:
This is just a “coastal issue.” Middle America neither understands nor cares about the CIA leak investigation.
Bush officials simply got “tripped up” when testifying under oath to the grand jury. This explains the conflicting statements and timelines.
Perjury and obstruction of justice are mere legal “technicalities.” If Fitzgerald brings these types of charges, this will be another example of the “criminalization of politics.”
Feel free to add your own.
And try to be patient.
If we have to wait one more day, so be it. Let BushCo continue to sweat out the inevitable. And let the media continue to whip up the frenzy of anticipation.
Silent niiiiiight……Hoooooly niiiight……All is caaaalm……