Wednesday, August 31, 2005
First off, the destruction of New Orleans (and that is no overstatement) is just beyond belief. Amy and I visited that great American city for the first time this past April. I can’t believe that nearly all of those historic, colorful, exquisite places we visited are under water and destroyed forever. Please donate to the relief effort. (Judging by the slow server response, it appears that the Red Cross site is being inundated with people stepping up to the plate and donating.)
Second: What the fuck is wrong with the Democrats?! Their political paralysis is truly astonishing. I’m so fucking pissed off at these people, I could scream. The conspiracy theories are beginning to seem plausible. This is fucking insane.
Oh, and meanwhile in Clusterfuckistan.
Your friends, associates, and family members that are still backing this administration and this war, tell them I said to eat shit.