
Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Fuck this Retarded Country 

Hackett lost.

Nevertheless, there seems to be a consensus that the closeness of this election is great news for Democrats. Okay, fine. I’m sure that’s true.

But, you know what? I derive little hope and happiness from near-victories over Rethuglicans. I am quite fucking dejected today, frankly.

How many more years of this darkness must we endure?

Traitorous, war-profiteering, false-Christian swine sit illegitimately in the White House and sink us deeper into an unnecessary war that pours gasoline on the raging fires of a horrifying Jihadist militancy. Meanwhile, the so-called news media obsess over missing white women and the romantic toils of Jennifer Aniston.

And the so-called opposition party is precisely the same timid, cowering joke that was defeated by BushCo the past two elections. They are a formless pile of mush.

But we almost beat a Republican.

Oh fucking joy.
