Sunday, June 05, 2005
It Ain't Just a River in Africa
Poor Mark. He’s so disoriented and exhausted from the increasingly difficult task of supporting fascist thugs that he let this statement fall from his self-deluded ass:
“But then of course your ilk continues to prop up dictators and genocidal leaders (Stalin, Pol Pot, Khmer Rouge, Castro, Mao, Saddam), so what do u care for free elections?”
Drumroll, please....
Sorry, to drop that most painful image on you, Mark. I realize it kinda takes a big dump on the whole “spreading freedom” handjob to which you winguts so naively succumb. I know it triggers painful contortions of logic and deep denial. Shit, I think Hannity blew out a knee trying to spin his way out of it.
But there it is again. Soooo….
Begin Rationalizing Your Support for the Republican Party and the Reagan-Bush Crime Family, Who Have Been In the Business of Arming Genocidal Thugs for Decades!
Go! Go! Go!
I’ll start!
Er, um….Sadaam was good back then! He was helping stop the spread of Islamic fundamentalism from Iran. It was only later that he “turned bad” and started gassing his own people. He wasn’t considered our ally when he did all the bad stuff.
Oh, shit. Scratch that.
That photo is a fake!
Rumsfeld never set foot on….
Er.. um…der….
Ten seconds!
Michael Jackson!
Runaway Bride!
Dan Rather!
Clinton’s Cock!
Dean’s Scream!
They hate us for our freedom!
Time's up. You lose. Again.
Next week on the Orwellian Olympics: The wingnuts attempt to squirm their way around more damming evidence that the Bush Administration and its Republican allies are
Stay tuned….