Friday, June 10, 2005
I’ll get Happy when they Break out the Handcuffs
The lefty blogosphere is all atwitter over BushCo’s tanking approval numbers. I guess they think we’re still in an election cycle.
Sorry, but I’m having trouble getting excited about this, namely because of the simple fact that these fuckers are in office regardless of their sinking poll numbers.
And anyways, I’m sure Rove will cook something up to bump up those numbers. It won’t take much to get the imbeciles who have strayed to get back in BushCo’s corner. Not much at all.
Why do I have the feeling that BushCo isn’t cracking a sweat over this?
Given what they’ve gotten away with thus far, would you?
It’s kinda like the petition asking for answers about the Downing Street memo.
Cheney will wipe his ass with that petition and then toss it in the round file.
A Blog of Hope.