
Monday, June 20, 2005


This is a great post on Daily Kos about the awakening of a right wing ass. The lead-up is rather long, but here’s the payoff:
As I am leaving and going out to my car...Here he comes...The Brother in Law. Oh God!!!! I can't, I just can't put up with this ignorant ass, I swear this is it. I don't even care about my sisters, nephews, or even my dad. I have decided it is time for the dam to break wide open. I don't care if I am never invited back to my sisters again. If he brings any political shit up I am gonna bust him. I have 20 years building up inside of me. So, he comes over to my car and says...."Hey..I didn't have a chance to talk to you much tonight..I just wanted to let you know...there is this great radio station here in LA..it's new..it's on channel 1150...it's called Air American...These guys have really made me think...I have totally change my mind....Even though I now think all politicans are crooks....I cannot believe how I have been brainwashed the last 20 years. Once I had a place to go to, to listen to, the hear the other side...I was really able to see things clearly...that President of our needs to be in Fucking Jail, along with the other Republican Crooks in the Senate. If they fucking think I am giving them my Son's to fight their illegal oil war they have another thing coming. Do you know about the DSM and how Bush lied and fudged the intelligence to force us into war way before he went to the UN with those lies. I will pack up and move to Argentina or Spain before I'll let my sons die in Bushs war. And do you know about this Bolton guy that they want to place into the UN for the US? What a fucking Idiot. He hates the UN. Do you know what happened this past election in OHIO? Do you know about this Attorney General named Gonzales who supports Torture? Do you know about Dick Cheney and the Halliburton kickbacks, do you know.........."

This pretty much proved it for me. When it hits this close to home it really makes you think....American has had it...It is all down hill for Bush from now on. Trust me..My Brother in Law was Archie Bunker. He has changed. He has turned on them. He was not a swing voter. He was not an undecided voter. He was a Republican. Things have gotten so bad, that they all want a way out. They are done with Bush, his war and the Republicans. They had their chance, they blew it. If you could have heard my Brother in Law go off on the Schiavo thing you wouldn't have believed it. "Fucking President flies back on our fucking dime, to sign a bullshit bill that doesn't mean shit, to save a woman, who didn't even want to exist in this state in the first place. Now they are coming into our bedrooms and telling us how and what to do with our lives. And what's with this fucking religious stuff"

We must not let up. We must continue to fight. We are doing it. Even if we change one person a day, I will keep on going. This is a man who I never thought till his last dying day, would go to his grave believing Bush and the Republicans and their Bullshit and pathetic lies. If he can cross over anyone can. Keep fighting the good fight...They are going down...fast and hard.
Please, God, let it be true.
