
Monday, May 16, 2005

This Country is now just an Embarrassing Pile of Excrement 

So much going on today, and I don’t have time to blog about it. I recommend a perusal of Buzzflash, Atrios, and Daily Kos.

The Newsweek flap (which you’ll have to learn about in one of the aforementioned blogs) is yet another example of the BushCo war on the truth. These bastards are at war with the factual world -- plain and simple. The majority of this country slumbers while we careen towards fascism. I am in awe.

Case in point: A British government memo that proves that BushCo cooked up the case for invading Iraq is getting the “ho-hum” treatment from the quivering cowards that comprise the American mainstream media.

Iraq is an unmitigated disaster that never needed to happen, and the administration and its fawning whore media poodles want us to simply clap louder.

Have I brought up the fact that this country is over? Maybe I should say the Republic is over. The corporate-fascist theocracy is just hitting full-stride.

Revenge of the Sith.
