
Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Cruising Altitude in this Nightmare 

As I mentioned earlier, I’ve started a new job, and I’ve made the decision not to blog on my employer’s dime. I just don’t possess the discipline necessary to do my personal Web stuff on breaks and/or in small doses. I mean, ripping off the company was fine when I worked for Halliburton’s little brother, but I rather like my new employer, and my conscience is telling me to go legit. I know, pansy.

This in no way means the end of SmithAntics. It just means that I may not be posting as frequently or in as timely a manner as before. I’ll be blogging mainly in the evening. And on the weekends I intend to put up some more substantive posts. So please keep checking in, and I’d appreciate your patience while I make this transition (Jeezus, I’m writing as if I have a massive readership).

Anyway, I sat down at the computer tonight eager to dig into the lefty Web and find out what fresh hell BushCo has brought today — and of course I looked forward to blogging about it.

But guess what? All I found was garden variety fascism.

Sure, they tried to murder a left-wing Italian journalist. Hell yes, they appointed a unilateralist, neocon asshole as envoy to the UN. Yeah, a bunch of Democratic lawmakers are corporate-sucking swine. And of course, we must be living in a nightmare, because no cosmically just universe could allow a gang of criminal, war-profiteering, pig-fucking garbage to politically thrive and garner the love and support of millions.

But, amazingly, this is nothing new. This is everyday life on Planet BushCo.

Is this just how it’s gonna be?

Have we plateaued in hell?

Fuck, it sure feels like it.
