
Saturday, February 12, 2005

Dollars 4 Dean 

Despite my doubts about Dean's ability to heal the Democratic Party, I do agree with Atrios and Daily Kos that we should reward good behavior. I mean, what other alternative do we have right now?

It was this quote from Daily Kos that convinced me to add the donation link below:

Remember, the GOP will unload on Dean. Everytime you hear the "Dean Scream" without context, consider donating. When you hear some empty head talk about the party "moving left" with Dean, consider donating. When you hear about unnamed big dollar Democratic donors whining about pulling their money out of the party, consider donating.
God, so true. I clicked by FOX this morning and noticed that they were covering Dean's ascension to party chairman. And sure enough, all they could talk about was The Scream.

Since it's impossible to reach into the TV and strangle Tony Snow, I figure my only recourse is to throw some dough to the man he and his knuckle-dragging ilk despise and fear. I'll start with $10.

Contribution amount:
