Friday, October 08, 2004
The Wheels May Come off the BushCo Wagon Tonight
Seriously, it feels like the chickens are coming home to roost for these lying, war-profiteering, false-Christian swine.
Of course, millions of true believers are still chuggin' down the Kool-Aid.
I don’t know which is more sad:
A. BushCo’s fantastical attempts to justify the phonied-up disaster of a war on a WMD-less Iraq.
B. The continued presence of Bush/Cheney ’04 bumper stickers and placards on vehicles and front lawns around this country.
I need help here.
What kind of moron has not woken up to BushCo yet?
What compels a person to fly the flag of this colossal error of history?
This is cognitive dissonance on a national scale. Christ almighty.
Perhaps even more bewildering are the undecided voters.
“We need more information about the administration of George W. Bush before casting our ballot. We’re really thinking hard on this.”
Yes, by all means, take your time. I realize this is a tough choice.
We’ll see a full compliment of this strange breed of imbecile—the undecided voter—at tonight’s “Town Hall” debate. I hope Kerry is sharpening his axe, cuz his opponent is sitting on the chopping block.
I can’t wait.
Of course, the clown pundits, whose interest lies not with the reporting the truth, but with creating the appearance of a horse race at all costs, will be calling this one for Bush just as long as he remains standing for 90 minutes.
Let's just hope that Bush's cascade of idiocy and lies neutralizes the handjob the GOP-surrogate media will attempt to administer following the debate.
I’ll make sure to have a good supply of booze on hand. I think I’m gonna need it.
Go Kerry!