
Sunday, October 10, 2004

The Battle of the Bulge (And Fear) 

Strange days. The mysterious bulge story has gone mainstream, and I’m really not sure what to make of it. If it increases the perception among the ignorant that Bush is a fake president (which he is), then by all means keep it alive.

But we'll never find out the truth, and I don’t like giving BushCo the ammo to cast its opposition as a bunch of flakey internet conspiracy junkies.

Oh well. The picture still makes me laugh.


Why is it that when the sniveling little imbecile acts every bit as defensive, rude, petulant, and simplistic in the second debate as he did in the first, the “press” this time calls it “Presidential”?

Could it be that the clown pundits are working off a prearranged horserace script aimed at generating ratings?

But that would be a direct breach of journalistic ethics, and ….

Anyway, I’m getting scared.

Despite the best efforts of the GOP-sponsored media to advance the illusion of Bush legitimacy, it feels like the worm is turning in Kerry's direction.

I’m seeing Kerry-Edwards stickers all over the place. They seem to be springing up everywhere. And people are now constantly flashing me the thumbs-up sign in response to the pro-Kerry and anti-Bush stickers on my car.

The non-political junkies are now starting to tune in, and loads of them are going for the Democratic ticket.

I think Kerry and Edwards served themselves well in the first three debates. And the fake president with the wire up his back really hurt himself by…well…by being himself. In his own words, you can run, but you can’t hide….

But you know what?

Bad news for BushCo is cause for major concern for the rest of us.

These bastards will not go quietly.

Defeat is not an option.

Just ask Uncle Karl.

I sense something big coming.
