
Wednesday, September 01, 2004

My Evenings of Masochism 

No, really, I like watching the RNC and flying into a blind rage every night. I usually munch on a bowl of tinfoil balls to increase the agony.

I enjoy watching pieces of excrement like Rudy Giuliani, John McCain, and Arnold Schwarzenegger lie their assess off.

I love cringing over Dubya’s classless twit daughters’ “comedy routine.” They are super!

And isn’t Laura “Stepford wife” Bush great? Like the rest of America, I just love this lady!

I guess the high point of my week was when our strong and decisive leader made a “surprise” appearance via video feed from a fake softball game.

Oh, and the media coverage? Fair n’ balanced all the way, guys. You bet!

Digby pretty much sums up this circus of absurdity.
