Wednesday, September 01, 2004
Hey, Kerry: The Karl Rove Whipping Boy Act Ain't Working. Let's Change Gears.
Bartcop is also losing patience with this feckless campaign.
By the way, Kerry's situation has created a dilemma for me. If I continue to tell the truth, that Kerry seems to not want the job, people are going to resent that and some will blame me if/when he loses.Yes, John, do feel free to start campaigning any day now.
I can pretend that Kerry is a real fighter, landing blow after blow against the bully, but for me, lying only works as a comedic advice - so what do I do?
Any suggestions?
Maybe if I just wait him out, we'll eventually see signs of life, but right now Kerry is against the ropes taking shots to the head and his hands are at his sides. He's allowing the GOP and their media to define him as the worst candidate ever and he doesn't seem to mind - he sees no reason to respond to attacks that are "beneath him."
After a week of telling everyone, "Be nice to Bush, don't mention his crimes," the GOP is fabricating a rap sheet against Kerry that Maureen Dowd summed up perfectly yesterday.
"John Kerry would do well to get a swifter boat. How pathetic is it that he's playing defense on Vietnam when W. didn't even serve?”
Since the GOP is winning the "war hero" question, what do we have left? Kerry's charisma? They've defined Kerry as the most liberal man in all history, and he doesn't mind.
The voters are the 70 percent that believe Saddam engineered 9-11. The voters are stupid and ignorant and they'll believe whatever they hear, and Kerry's not saying anything - does anybody know why?
While the GOP is bashing Kerry's brains in, he's busy with this:
Isn't the time for vacation after November 2?
I'm gonna begin ripping my hair out if this campaign doesn't get on track within 24 hours.