Sunday, July 25, 2004
Your Choice in November: Experienced, Intelligent Statesman or Incompetent Neocon Sockpuppet
Can you believe this race is still neck and neck?
How can the wingnut (s) in your life still be buying into BushCo? Christ, this past three and a half years has revealed just hordes of gullible nincompoops — about 50 percent of the adult population of this country, if the polls are correct. Bad scene.
I’m sorry if I’m offending a close friend or family member, but, good lord, how ignorant one must be to support Bush in light of the mountain of evidence that his administration is the worst in the history of this country. What makes Republicans so childishly stubborn? Jesus, open your eyes, you nimrods.
I really believe it’s ignorance and partisan hatred—not ideological or policy differences— that fuels Bush’s rank and file support. Better to blindly back a demonstrable idiot that talks Texas tough than to throw in one’s lot with the hated librulz.
How sad that the Rush Limbaughs of this world have successfully painted liberalism—a proud, intelligent, progressive political philosophy—as a massive entitlement program for gay, pacifist, pregnant, Mexican illegal aliens.
BushCo thrives on dumb animal ignorance, and, most unfortunately, there’s plenty of that to go around in this country.