
Friday, July 09, 2004

Sure, I’ll Buy That 

President Bush’s National Guard records were accidentally destroyed.

Damn! Now he can never clear his good name with the electorate.

Oh yeah. Remember this bombshell I linked yesterday.

Not a mention of this on cable news last night.

The President of the United States REFUSED TO ANSWER questions about his well documented personal, financial, and political relationship with the man at the center of the BIGGEST CORPORATE SCANDAL IN U.S. HISTORY.

This is not news?

Did I mention that Ken Lay’s Enron was the single largest donor to the Bush/Cheney 2000 campaign?

And did I mention that Ken Lay was a principal member of Dick Cheney’s secret energy task force, and that the script to Cheney’s deregulatory fantasy was pretty much written by Lay and cut and pasted into our national energy policy?

The same script that was used to screw California up the ass.

Nothing to see here. Move along.
