
Monday, July 26, 2004

No Wonder She’s a Right Wing Shill 

This morning I was infuriated by MSGOP “analyst” Andrea Mitchell’s brazen right-wing spin job on Kerry. “Reporting” from the Democratic Convention in Boston, she was dutifully reciting the standard GOP line on Kerry. It goes a little something like this:

“The ultra-rich, ultra-liberal, ultra-aloof Massachusetts Senator, John Kerry, faces a long uphill battle in convincing the American people, who, on the whole, believe George W. Bush is better qualified to lead the country in the apocalyptic struggle against terror, that he is not the ultra-rich, ultra-liberal, ultra-aloof Massachusetts Senator that we all know he is.”

Seriously, it was just about that bad.

Well, while reading Josh Marshall this morning I learned that Mitchell is married to non other than the high priest of the Reaganite orthodoxy, Alan Greenspan!

Go figure.
