Friday, June 04, 2004
Friday Media Blog Obscurity Twofer: Tim Russert’s Pop and the “Greatest Generation” Wankfest
If you’re playing out the string at work today (or if you have no life), you might enjoy this descent in to the blogosphere (Wait, does that make sense? Descent into the blogosphere?).
Anyway, Atrios links to Alterman, who includes on his blog a letter from regular Altercation reader and occasional guest Altercator, Charles Pierce, who blasts media whore Tim Russert and the increasingly annoying brouhaha over “The Greatest Generation.” If you don’t care to explore, here’s the quote I found the most salient:
“In case you've missed it, Little Russ is out there shilling for a book about the lessons he learned from his father. The book is as gruesome a sea of treacle as one might imagine; it is an extended version of the old saw about how much smarter your Dad gets as you get older. In this, it shares a kind of cheesy Weltschmerz with Brokaw's endless maundering about The Greatest Generation -- namely, that our Daddies are dying and we don't measure up.Of course those who supported and fought in World War II performed a great service to this country. Especially those who paid the ultimate price. We should give them the respect and gratitude they are owed.
But enough of the over-sentimental books, movies, and television specials. Jeez, give it a rest.
We're dogshit compared to the old folks.