
Monday, May 24, 2004

They’re Getting Away With It 

So no heads are gonna roll for this?

So this vicious crime against humanity will be nothing but a topic for the cable news bobbleheads to bounce around the echo chamber until it peeters down the memory hole?

Like the mafia-style exposure of Valerie Plame by Dick Cheney’s thugs?

Like the lies that led this country into an unnecessary and disastrous war and occupation?

These impeachable offenses are just components of the election year “debate”?

These are partisan issues?


An electoral defeat in November is not an acceptable punishment for these war criminals. Removal from office should be a prelude to imprisonment for this gang of lying, murdering scoundrels.

Dick Cheney must not be permitted to return to the riches of the private sector. He and his sock puppet must be prosecuted and placed behind bars.

Please contact your Congressional Representatives and ask them to fulfill their sworn duty to uphold the Constitution. Ask them to impeach George W. Bush.
