Monday, May 10, 2004
From The Desk of Steve Fisch
The rest of the world, typically, does not necessarily hate America or Americans; they hate our president and his posse, but if the horror is continued, if the stubborn idiocy of the great unwashed (or the fraudulent villainy of Diebold et al) triumphs and Bush remains in DC., then this sympathy towards our citizenry will surely change. BushCo is not 'afraid' of the rest of the world, but he's a fucking moron. We are the biggest super power in the known universe and y'know it's got to frustrate these guys that they have to go around walking on egg-shells rather than just stomp stomp stomp (i.e. we're the most powerful but we're not allowed to use our power). It's my belief that these guys think that the biggest mistake of Abu Ghraib was not the torture and humiliation of Iraqi prisoners, but that some idiot MP took pictures and videotapes. It's a Rodney King situation, and to that effect the first guy getting court-martialed is - you guessed it - the guy that took the pictures. When Rummy was belittling the Geneva Conventions, Congress ratified law in this country— BTW, he did it not realizing that despite his best efforts, even the most well guarded information has a way of oozing out. And this will, hopefully, be Cheney's downfall (and by extension, his little Dubya puppet). They keep trying to keep big secrets, both lawful and illicit, constantly forgetting that in this post-Watergate era, this age of full disclosure, you can't even get a blow job without the whole world finding out. All the dirty little cabals of this administration will eventually slither out of the closet; let's just hope enough of them emerge before America makes a bad thing worse and accidentally re-elects the vile scum currently befouling the oval office (who, by the way, if re-elected will have no further need of placating American voters and will wage their rotten agenda unheeded).