Wednesday, May 05, 2004
DVD Contest Winner!
None other than my sister won the contest (no, I swear it wasn't rigged!).
The two organizations that form the core of the neoconservative movement are the Project for a New American Century (PNAC) and the American Enterprise Institute (AEI). The membership rosters of these organizations read like a phone directory for the White House and the Pentagon: Cheney, Rummy, Wolfy, Condi...they're all on board, along with their good FOX pals, William Kristol, Fred Barnes, and Chuck Krauthammer just to name a few.
In a nutshell, the neocons believe that, now that the cold war is over, it's time for the U.S. (and it's proxy in the Middle East, Israel) to take over the world! This of course will be achieved through the twin forces of militarism and private corporate power.
Iraq is the holy grail for these people.
Sound like something out of cheap political conspiracy novel?
You bet.
Are the neocons currently dominating the White House and the United States foreign policy apparatus?
You can learn more about these maniacs here and here.