
Thursday, May 13, 2004

101st Fighting Keyboarders 

I almost didn’t do this post because it’s slightly obscure. But here goes. The 101st Fighting Keyboarders is a creation of TBOGG, the funniest blogger I’ve yet to encounter. The name refers to a collection of conservative and right-wing writers, columnists, and bloggers who, from the safety of their homes and offices, write about the heroic sacrifices they/we are making on the frontlines of the "War on Terror" in Iraq and elsewhere. These armchair warriors are ripe for ridicule because…well…they’re fucking ridiculous! And there are plenty of them out there.

Here's a classic example. For those of you that aren’t familiar with him, Andrew Sullivan is an extremely popular conservative blogger who also happens to be a homosexual. It’s been hilarious to watch “Sully” walk the tightrope of supporting the rapidly crumbling occupation of Iraq while simultaneously criticizing BushCo’s assault on gay marriage. Anyway, if there is a Brigadier General of the 101st Fighting Keyboarders, it is surely Andrew Sullivan. There are many examples of his mouse-and-keyboard-wielding acts of bravery in battle, but this instance and the resultant slapdown by TBOGG was damn funny.

Here’s the abbreviated version:
Sully— responding to the burning and hanging of American contractors from a bridge in Falluja:

“All the more reason to maintain the deadline for the transition to self-rule, and to keep a close military and police alliance with the incoming government. I'm still an optimist - in the medium term. But the next two or three years could be brutal. We just got a taste of how brutal they could be.”


“First of all, Andrew, you didn't get a taste of anything except a vanilla latte with a bit too much foam on top. Watching the news doesn't make you a part of what happened in Falluja, just like watching baseball on TV doesn't mean you have to start thinking about warming your arm up. Sitting safely at home and thinking "How very sad" isn't participating. Check your clothes and see if any of them have a hint of Eau de Burned Flesh.”

Okay, maybe you don’t find that as funny as I do. But at least you are now aware of one particularly harrowing chapter in the proud history of the 101st FK.

Atrios has more recent exploits.
