Friday, April 23, 2004
So I'm watching CNN this morning, and I hear a statement that nearly caused me to shower my morning paper with coffee. It was so absurd that I wrote it down so I could provide the exact quote.
"The President and his brother [Florida Governor, Jeb Bush] plan to roll up their sleeves and do some wetland work today."
Wetland work, eh?
Rollin’ up their sleeves.
Damn! Between stringin' all that barbed wire at the Crawford "ranch" and saving wetlands, I don't see how this man has the time to govern. Of course, he gets plenty of help and advice from God, so that lightens the load. But, jeez.
And here I was buying into the myth that this administration's environmental policies are the worst in modern history, written almost exclusively by its paymasters in the coal, oil, energy, and timber industries.
Boy was I dumb. Thanks CNN!